Why I Won’t Be Purchasing The Meta Verification Subscription Packages


HOT OFF THE PRESS! We have an update from Meta and you’re probably not going to like it. 😅


HOT OFF THE PRESS! We have an update from Meta and you’re probably not going to like it.

Instagram and Facebook just launched ✨new✨ Meta verification subscription packages that aim to boost your visibility, increase seo optimization, protect against impersonation, and offer direct customer support. They even stamp your profile with a shiny blue tick, signaling to the world that you're the real deal.

On the surface, it sounds like a total green light. However, under the guise of increased reach, Meta is hoping small businesses will cough up an extra $15-$500 per month per platform without the promise of results or value.

I believe that this subscription is a total cash grab.

Wanna take the peek? Here are the packages. ↓

Meta Verification Subscription Packages including Business Standard, Business Plus, Business Premium, and Business Max.

Here’s the thing: You don’t need to purchase a verification subscription through Meta. In fact, I don’t recommend it.


If you know me, you know I love sharing a hot take. So let’s dive in. ↓

5 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Purchasing Meta Verified

#1. Verification Can’t Fix Bad Content

It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. The reality is that the Meta verification subscription plan only gives your current content a boost. That is it.

And if you’ve ever boosted content on Facebook, you know that boosting only works on your best content. Your worst pieces of content will still be low performing pieces of content, even with a boost.

With this in mind, our focus as business owners and marketers doesn’t change, regardless of Meta verified or not. Create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Upgrading to a Meta Verified Subscription cannot fix bad content. This meme shows how a verification package could become a bandaid solution.

#2. The Blue Checkmark Lost It’s Allure

Remember when the blue checkmark was only gifted to celebrities? The blue checkmark symbolized status and notoriety. And as soon as you could pay for it, the allure vanished into thin air.

Consider how Juicy Couture lead the trend of athleisure, becoming the Regina George of the fashion world. A famous Juicy set cost $150, even in the early 2000s. Now Juicy sets are sold at Forever 21 and Walmart for $27. Ooof.

In this case, as exclusively declines, so does the perceived value.

Now, a Meta verification checkmark merely confirms the authenticity of the account. And in my opinion, even that’s a stretch.

Meta Verified Subscription Packages provide users with a blue verified checkmark, which isn't as useful as it once was.

#3. Increased Reach Isn’t guaranteed

The Meta verification subscription packages taunt perks that supposedly increase reach, but don’t guarantee it. They include:

  • Featured Account: Have the opportunity to be featured in Feed and introduce your business to new audiences.

  • Search Optimizations: Appear at or near the top of search results.

At a first glance, these look quite appealing. More reach, more engagements, more customers?

Not quite.

Notice the wording Meta has chosen oh so carefully. “Have the opportunity” and “near the top” both catch my eye. Your business is still subject to the infamous algorithm and ever changing user interests.

The responsibility is still placed on you at the end of the day. Even with a hefty price tag of $499 per month, you’re still not promised views.

Since there is no guarantee, this begs the question: If you’re going to swipe your card for $499 at Meta, wouldn’t it be more worthwhile to at least guarantee impressons with paid ads or boosted posts?

With a Meta Verified Subscription, results are not guaranteed. This meme shows the loose wording that Facebook uses in each verified package description.

#4. The “Enhanced Profile” Can Be Purchased Elsewhere For Much Less

With the enhanced profile, you get access to:

  • Enrich your profile by adding images to your links.

  • Feature multiple business addresses and multiple social media pages

Is Meta Verified worth it if you have a brick and mortar presence with multiple addresses? Perhaps. The ability to promote and list multiple locations may offset the cost of the subscription.

But if you don’t have multiple store locations, this is yet another perk with zero value.

Speaking of low value, Instagram already allows you to have a link structure in your profile. The only additional feature you get here is adding images to each link, which you could do for much cheaper with a subscription like Linktree for just $5-$9 per month.

Looking for a free option? Linktree has that too, just with a few less features.

An enhanced profile is one of the features of the new Meta Verified Subscription Packages. This includes images in your links, which could be purchased for cheaper on Linktree.

#5. “Account Review”

Every 6 months, subscribers of the highest tier get access to an advisor to improve your content strategy. But who is the advisor?

Typically when hiring a coach, you review testimonials, case studies, and reviews. You might even message past clients, listen to their podcast episodes, stalk them on social.

What I’m trying to say is that typically, you want to vet the person you’re receiving advice from. 

Yet in the Facebook Verification Package, you’re assigned a random advisor that you cannot vet for credibility. Likely, they will be advising based on scripts and blanket advice which may hurt your brand more than help.

The highest tier Meta Verified Subscription Package, Business Max, comes with a biyearly call with an advisor. This GIF shows that the advisor may not be qualified.

#6. Pricing Is Out Of Reach For Small Businesses

On average, businesses spend anywhere from 2-10% of yearly revenue on marketing — and that budgets goes fast.

How does Meta’s new subscription prices fit into the picture? For many small businesses, it won’t.

For a large brand with $100M+ in yearly revenue, coughing up an extra $499 per month is but a number. For a small business, that $499 is the difference between giving your team member a bonus, or keeping your bookkeeper, or replacing a worn down laptop. $499 is significant.

Here is a graph that shows the significance of this expense in relation to their marketing budget. Keep in mind, $499 only covers one platform and doesn’t take into account the other marketing costs that need to fit into this budget as well.

Meta Verified Subscription Packages are much too expensive for small business owners. This chart shows that Meta's Verified plans are out of budget for most small businesses with under $1 million in yearly revenue.

3 Reasons To Consider The Meta Verification Subscription Packages

Let’s flip the script for a second. While I still wouldn’t recommend subscribing to a Meta Business Verification Package, you may find that it’s actually a great fit for your business. That said, to give a well rounded review, here are three perks that I believe have benefit.

#1. Links In Reels

I have to admit, this one is tempting.

Remember the days when you had to have 10,000 followers to put a link in your Instagram Stories? I’m having deja vu.

MeUndies, underwear and loungewear brand, has seen Instagram stories with swipe through rates averaging 15 to 20 percent. At the time that they launched their Instagram Stories strategy, the brand was seeing 350 clicks to their site via their Instagram bio, yet were seeing upwards of 400 to 600 clicks in stories. Amazingly, 90% of these clicks were new visitors who haven’t been to the site before.

All that to say, links on Instagram are highly valuable, especially when used well. We can assume that when applied to Reels, one may see similar results.

The downside? You only get between 2-6 links per month, depending on your package. For $499, don’t you feel like it should be unlimited?

Three of the Meta Verified Subscription Packages come with the ability to put links into your Reels which could have a significant impact on website clicks and conversions, as evidenced by MeUndies.

#2. Meta Verified Support

Meta is notoriously hard to contact. Near impossible. Having a direct line to customer service is huge.

The plus side is that Meta Verified Support is available on all plans, even the lowest at $15/month. If your account commonly faces issues, the $15/month package could certainly be worth it.

Meta Verified Subscription Packages comes with Meta Verified Support. This GIF pokes fun at how generally unhelpful Facebook customer service is.

#3. Impersonation Protection

In the last 12 months, impersonation attacks have increased 339%. And of those attacks, executive impersonation on social media is at an all-time high, making up around 54% of all impersonations. With the convenience of generative AI, these attacks are only set to increase.

With how rampant (and convincing) fake accounts are, impersonation protection is undoubtedly valuable. On the higher tiered plans, you also receive employee impersonation production which gives them a verified badge as well.

While employee impersonation only makes up around 2% of total attacks, this benefit would be largely valuable if you have multiple executives at your company that could use additional protection.

Meta Verified Subscription Packages come with impersonation protection which is helpful given that 43% of attacks are brand impersonations and 54% are executive impersonations.

Is Meta Verified Worth It?

For my social media agency and our clients? Definitely not. But that’s not to say that there isn’t value for you and your brand.

Blanket advice in marketing is dangerous. What works for one business may not work for another, and vice versa. That said, here are a few guiding questions that may help you decide: is meta verified worth it?

  • Is there room in your marketing budget to comfortably accommodate this additional expense?

  • Has boosting posts on Facebook and Instagram worked well for you in the past?

  • Do you already have a strong and well performing content strategy that would benefit from an extra boost?

  • Do you have multiple brick and mortar locations to link to?

  • Do you have high performing Reels that would see conversions if links were added?

I hope that these questions can bring you closer to an answer that you feel confident in.

And That’s Why I Won’t Be Purchasing Meta’s Businesses Verification Packages

Meta Verified Subscription Packages aren't budget friendly for small businesses. This GIF featuring Drake's Hotline Bling music video shows how expensive these packages are for small businesses.

The race for likes and follows can feel relentless, and yet, I stand by the mantra of 'quality over quantity’.

It's all about crafting posts that resonate, not just ones that fill up feeds and paying to spread them far and wide. By focusing on quality, your content becomes a reflection of your unique perspective and creativity, drawing in an audience that values meaningful interactions.

Focus on this, and your content will go far.


Sick of Monitoring Algorithms and Trends?

That’s what we’re here for. We’re a Phoenix-based social media and content creation agency that partners with small and medium-sized businesses across the country.

We do all the social stuff so you can get back to what you do best – building yours.
Reach out today and let’s get social!


A line drawing of Chelsea


Chelsea Evans-Flower
Founder + Social Media Strategist


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