Where To Find Influencers for Your Brand: 5 Easy Steps

80% of marketers say influencer marketing is effective. Now let’s figure out where to find them ♡


Influencer marketing is has changed the possibilities for small (and large) brands on social media. If only you knew where to find influencers for your brand…

Unfortunately, you can’t find exactly what you need by Googling “best influencers for candle brands”. Which is why we’re here to help light the way! (No pun intended)

First, let’s get into why you should be using influencer marketing and what to do before searching.

Why Bother With Influencer Marketing?

Take a second to think about how different your brand would be if it had:

  • A higher SEO ranking for your site

  • More brand awareness

  • Brand new content that your audience engaged with

  • A reach that extended beyond your current audience

  • Increased followers on your social platforms

Those are just a few ways your brand’s social presence can be improved by influencer marketing. Let’s look at some numbers behind the industry

"Why should you tap into influencer marketing" with statistics that show the importance of influencer marketing

The right partnership puts your products and services in front of new audiences, encourages conversions, and boosts your brand credibility. 

Before Searching, Lock Down A Strategy

Now before you open up TikTok and look for influencers, you need a strategy first, friend.

Yes, just like your social media approach, your influencer marketing approach needs a strategy. An influencer strategy outlines:


The kind of influencers you’re targeting (size, industry or niche, primary platform, etc.)

  • Your budget for partnerships

  • Baseline deliverables

  • Campaign scope (Is it a monthly occurrence or a new product launch? The amount of influencers you need will be important to know ahead of time.)


When working with Americana Motor Hotel, a newly opened motel in Northwest Arizona, we focused on a specific niche of influencers. Chronic travelers, road trippers, and reviewers of local spots in Arizona were the kinds of influencers we targeted.

Using that strategy, we created influencer partnerships that grew their account reach and more than doubled their following.

We know you’re thinking “Okay, but I still don’t know where to find influencers for my brand”. Now that you have your strategy, here are 5 easy ways to find top-notch talent!

Where To Find Influencers For Your Brand

Take a look at some places to find influencers that will help level up your brand’s social game 👇

1. Head to Hashtags 

Hashtags are still a crucial element in social marketing. You can use hashtags to find the influencers that they (your audience) would be discovering and interacting with.

Whether you're on Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, hashtags are where to find influencers for your brand already in your niche.

Find influencers for your brand with hashtags like #skincareeproducts #nursescrubs and #fallcandles

Start by searching for relevant hashtags related to your industry and products. Keep an eye on trending tags and explore the posts associated with them. You might just stumble upon influencers whose content aligns with your strategy.

P.S. The presence of a hashtag strategy on an influencer's content is a green flag!

2. New-Fashioned Research

After you’ve combed through several relevant hashtags, the next step is a bit wider. 

Straight-up searching on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest is a great way to find relevant content creators. Your audience, with a few exceptions, is using it this way to find their content.

Find influencers for your brand with keywords

Typing in “skincare influencer” might lend you favorable results sometimes. 

Put yourself in the shoes of your buyer persona and search what they would look for. This will help you find great influencers for your brand that will resonate with your ideal audience.


Take note of the topics they discuss and how they interact with their audience. This research will help you identify potential partners who are a good fit for your brand.


3. Automate Your Search

If you’re ready to put some elbow grease into your search, it’s time to tap into some influencer outreach platforms.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, over 1,300 platforms, websites, and agencies focused on influencer marketing have surfaced. This is just over the past five years, by the way.

These platforms allow you to use advanced search filters to find influencers. They also provide insight into creators’ audience demographics, engagement metrics, and follower authenticity. 

In other words, you save time and effort in identifying potential collaborators who match your brand's goals. Check out a few platforms and influencer search engines we think are worth looking into!

Find influencers for your brand with websites like Upfluence

4. Stop By The Explore Page

Instagram's explore page is a goldmine for discovering trending content and potential influencers.

The explore page is a great spot to find creators who match your brand since it’s tailored to your interests and preferences. Scroll through the Explore page regularly, and don't hesitate to engage with posts that resonate with your brand!

Organic interaction on relevant content connects you to influencers who are genuinely interested in your desired deliverables. When deciding where to find influencers for your brand that are unique, this is a great place to start.

5. Look Down… At Your Own Page

It may seem counterintuitive, but some stellar influencers could be right under your nose.

Scroll through your tagged photos on Instagram and mentions on TikTok. You’d be surprised how many influencers already interact with your brand, use your product, and engage with your target audience.


Did you know your tagged photos is also a great place to find UGC?


Your competitors are also an unexpected location.

Head over to their page to see who they're partnering with. Influencers who have already worked with similar brands will typically be open to collaborating with you too.

Just keep in mind: Some ambassadors and influencers might have exclusivity deals with brands, and won’t be available to collaborate at that time.

Some Things To Remember

How does it feel to confidently know where to find influencers for your brand? Itching to get started reaching out to influencers?

We sure are! But we also want to leave you with a few key things to keep in mind.

  • Not every influencer may align with your budget—and that’s okay! Keep them in your pipeline for when you’re able to work with them.

  • Having set deliverables, contracts, processes, and a management system for your activated influencers is crucial.

  • Don’t sleep on micro-influencers. 

  • Make it a fun collaboration! If their experience is enjoyable, you’ll have planted seeds for a potentially long-term influencer relationship.

Influencer for Biossance holding lip gloss

Now get out there and reel in those partnerships.

Ready To Get Your Brand On The For-You-Page?

Combining a solid influencer strategy and well-fitting creators can help you create such an authentic and compelling brand story. 

Lucky for you, at Scott Social, we dive headfirst into the world of influencer marketing. Why? Because we know how it can transform your brand’s social presence.

Scott Social is a boutique social media and influencer marketing agency in Phoenix, Arizona. From content creation to heartfelt community management, we've got your back.

If you're ready to take your brand to new heights through influencer marketing, get in touch with us today.


Victoria Temples, Social Media Strategist at Scott Social


Copywriter + Social Media Strategist


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