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Social Media Copywriting Best Practices: 7 Tips & Tricks

On Instagram, powerful imagery stops users in their scroll – but captions are what drives engagement. ♡

Social media is everywhere and everything. Phones glued to hands, eyes constantly on screens, and a never-ending stream of content means that copywriting is everywhere too. For all of us copywriters, this sounds like a dream! But Zayn Malik said it best: it’s a paradise, and it’s a war zone.

No, we’re not talking about the hit song Pillowtalk. We’re talking about the growing competition of copywriting and how to excel in an ever-changing field. Copywriting is overwhelming, difficult, and just all around unpredictable — especially without the right tools. That’s why we’ve compiled 7 killer tips for social media copywriting best practices.

Read on to see what we’ve got! 

1. It’s All in the Lead

It’s what you learn in elementary school and every year after: your hook needs to sell.

Every sentence of your copy needs to be better than the last, starting with the very best for your hook. Of course, your entire copy should be captivating, but your lead does the heavy lifting of capturing your reader’s attention.

So, what draws someone in? That’s up to you, and perhaps more importantly, your audience. That being said, you need to know your audience.

2. Observation is Key

As much as we’d love to hand you an all-encompassing, universal guide to copywriting, there is no one way to write copy. Social media copy will — and should — look different for every person, company, and brand. 

So, how do you create copy specifically for your brand? You definitely need a feel for the voice of the brand, but your golden ticket is in your audience. Readers want creative and relatable copy, so know your target audience and cater to them. Observe your readers and the rest will follow!

Well, it might not be that simple, but studying your audience is going to give you a leg up! Trust us. 

3. Less is More

This isn’t to say that long-form can’t have its place in the world of social media copy. Long-form can make for really great story-telling, but it can also overwhelm your readers. 

The average human has an attention span of only eight seconds. Eight seconds. Anything longer than a tweet, and you might lose your audience! That might be dramatic, but the point still stands; you can say more with less. 

Not only can you, but it will benefit you in the long run! Concise copy keeps your reader engaged, and it won’t bog down your feed with endless, long-form promotion. 

4. Find Your Creativity

It may be a little cliche, but we mean every word: think outside of the box. Want to be noticed? Stand out above every other brand? Take a different approach! 

Being creative on command is no easy task, but we promise the struggle is worthwhile. Finding your own creativity brings your copy to the next level. Not only is it personal to you, but it feels genuine to the reader. 

5. Language Has Power

A concept as old as time itself, but still just as useful. Language has power, and you can use it to your advantage!

Buzz words, persuasive words, power words… the list goes on and they’re all essentially the same. Some words hold more weight than others in our minds. Words like “free” and “new” set off little fireworks in our brains and tell us to start paying attention. Sounds like a one-way ticket to great copy, right? 

Actually, yes (when coupled with our other social media copywriting best practices, of course)! The sweetest sounds we’ll ever hear are words telling us that something is free, or better yet, about us! Using the word “you” in your copy puts each and every reader at the center. If it feels like you’re talking directly to them, your readers will stay much more engaged. 

6. Avoid Jargon and Powerless Words

Repeat after me: technical terms are NOT our friends. Lingo may be useful if your entire following shares the industry of your company/brand, but that’s rarely, if ever, the case.  

Try putting yourself in your reader’s shoes. Are there any acronyms they wouldn’t know? Terms that don’t make sense? Your audience wants to feel centered in the content, so make sure it’s targeted toward their understanding of your brand. 

7. Your Personality Matters

Finally, your best practice, and very best friend in copywriting, is yourself! That’s right, you! 

Tone and voice have power in all areas of writing, and that includes copywriting. Your unique personality is your best ally in this practice. It gives you an approach that no one else can have, so use it! 

Whether it’s your personal voice, or the adoption of a company/client voice, channeling that energy into your copy will only be more captivating to the reader. 

Why Social Media Copywriting Best Practices Matter

In short, copywriting is powerful, and you’re the one who gets to wield it! While copywriting is definitely about selling your company or brand, it’s also about talking with people. Your readers are real, and you have the ability to be real with them. Not only do social media copywriting best practices matter, but your words do too. So, find your voice and make it count!

To learn more about Scott Social and read up on all the best practices in all things social media, visit our website!  


Chelsea Evans-Flower
Owner of Scott Social