Why Should I Outsource to a Boutique Social Media Agency?

Stress-free times are on the horizon! ♡


Life's too short to stress over hashtags and algorithms. Simpler, more stress-free times are on the horizon! But first, you have a big decision to make, and a big question to answer – should I outsource my social media to a boutique social media agency?

Before diving into the reasons why outsourcing to a boutique social media agency is a smart move, let's clarify what exactly a boutique social media agency is. ↓

*me trying to figure out what a boutique agency is*


What is a Boutique Social Media Agency?

Are boutique social media agencies the same as normal digital marketing agencies? What in the world does ‘boutique’ mean anyways?

We’re here to clear up the confusion.

In advertising, a boutique agency is small (but mighty) in size and provides more customized and specialized services. As such, boutique agencies focus on higher-quality results, adaptability, and innovative solutions.


Boutique agencies still offer most (or all) of the bells and whistles of a large agency but without the hundreds of employees and expensive agency layers.


Unlike larger, more generalized agencies, boutique agencies like Scott Social specialize in providing personalized and tailored social media solutions for their clients. They are typically smaller in scale but make up for it with a dedicated, close-knit team of experts who work closely with clients to achieve their unique goals.

Let’s keep it short and simple: if you’re looking for a personalized agency experience that leaves you feeling valued, understood, and listened to, a boutique social media agency may be in your future. Let’s dive in deeper to answer the question on everyone’s mind: should I outsource my social media to a boutique social media agency?

Why Should I Outsource to a Boutique Social Media Agency?

#1. Adaptiveness to Changes

In the famous words of Mean Girls’ Ms. Norbury, “Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Instagram’s algorithm!”

It’s a resounding ‘yes’. The mean girls club is no longer reserved for Regina George. And now, it comes in the form of ever-changing algorithms that change frequently and leave small businesses sitting at the band geek table.

Staying ahead of the curve can be challenging, but boutique agencies excel in adaptability. Because of their smaller size, they can swiftly pivot and adjust strategies to align with the latest industry changes.

This agility ensures that your social media campaigns remain effective, fresh, and up-to-date, giving you a competitive edge in your niche.

*Social Media Agencies the instant that the Kardashians do anything meme-worthy*

#2. Specialized Team:

Boutique agencies are the quintessential example of “Everything you need and nothing you don’t.” No nuanced roles here!

Less cooks in the kitchen means opting for a highly specialized team of experts.

*our team collaborating on our client’s latest campaign*

At Scott Social, we take pride in having an intentionally curated team with deep expertise in their craft, from copywriting to graphic design to video editing. What sets us apart is every team member collaborates on almost every client project.

This ensures that every aspect of your social media strategy receives the attention it deserves, leading to a more holistic and effective approach.

The entire team of Scott Social, a boutique social media agency.

#3. Access to the Company's Leaders

When you work with a boutique social media agency, you're not just a client number.

Instead, you have direct access to the agency's leaders and decision-makers. This level of personal interaction fosters a deep understanding of your brand and goals, leading to more personalized strategies.

And remember, if you have direct access to the company’s leaders, it’s likely that the entire team does as well.

At Scott Social, we believe in building strong client relationships, and our clients appreciate having direct access to our top minds for brainstorming sessions, feedback, and strategic discussions.

Why Should I Outsource to a Boutique Social Media Agency? A diagram of a large agency vs. a boutique agency.

#4. Innovation + Team Cohesion

Rigid SOPs, generic playbooks, and layers of unmovable processes? No thanks, bestie.

With a smaller, closely-knit team, collaboration is seamless and ideas flow freely. This results in an innovative strategy and a fresh approach that will set your brand apart from the competition.

At Scott Social, our entire team meets weekly to discuss social media trends and industry updates – then make a plan of how to customize those ideas to our clients. We thrive on creativity and teamwork, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in social media marketing.

Why Should I Outsource to a Boutique Social Media Agency? A diagram of a large agency vs. a boutique agency.

#5. Personal Relationships

Authenticity and personal connections matter – especially with the agency creating on-brand and “close to heart” content for your company!

At a boutique social media agencies, account managers work with just a handful of accounts to understand the unique intricacies of each business. It’s common for business owners to feel like a small fish in a big pond when working with a larger agency, or that they’re working with the B or C team.

At boutique agencies, there is no B or C team – there is only one dedicated team who are dedicated to you and your social channels.

“us and our clients” 👇

…And That’s The Tea

Boutique social media agencies are the secret sauce that will make your brand shine, from adaptability and specialized expertise to personal relationships and innovative strategies.

Scott Social is a boutique agency in Phoenix, Arizona that specializes in creating compelling content across digital marketing mediums. Our bread and butter is organic social media management, but we also offer photoshoot organization, Reels + TikTok editing, paid ads, email marketing, and text marketing.

Let’s take your online presence to new heights. You in? We thought so.

Top 5 Reasons To Outsource to a Boutique Social Media Agency

Chelsea Evans, Owner of Scott Social


Chelsea Evans-Flower
Founder + Social Media Strategist


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