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5 Viral Social Media Campaigns For Ecommerce Brands

Viral inspiration, coming your way ♡

As someone who loves seeing the uniqueness behind every marketing campaign, small businesses can also appreciate them and use it as inspiration! I’ve seen first hand how a killer Instagram post or a viral TikTok can boost visibility and sales like crazy. In this article, we will see how these Ecommerce brands have taken their marketing to the next level – going viral all over social media. 

5 Social Media Campaigns for Ecommerce Brands ↓

#1.  Lip Gloss Phone Case: Hailey Bieber's Viral Sensation

A phone case that holds lip gloss—Is this just a new trend? Or something people actually buy? Hailey Bieber’s makeup line, Rhode, came out with a clever marketing campaign; what began as Hailey Bieber's casual mirror selfie quickly escalated into a cultural phenomenon. 

A combination of fashion and functionality? Sign me up! The case is customized to fit the Rhode lip products perfectly, so you can have it with you all day. This idea sounds amazing, especially for someone like me who loses about five things a day. By leveraging her immense social media following, Hailey Bieber showcased the product in a relatable way, prompting a wave of enthusiasm among her followers and celebrities alike. This grassroots marketing approach not only generated buzz prior to the product's launch but also turned each user-generated selfie into a promotional tool, amplifying its reach across platforms. 

#2.  Dove's #DetoxCampaign 

In a world where unrealistic beauty standards are everywhere, Dove decided to take a bold stand with their amazing #DetoxCampaign, and I am totally here for it. Through a heartfelt YouTube video, they sparked meaningful conversations about real beauty and self-confidence. What's amazing is that they connected with their audience without pushing products, focusing on values we all care about. Seeing this campaign go viral was so inspiring and showed that a brand can make a huge impact without being salesy. Hats off to Dove for reminding us we are beautiful just the way we are!

#3. Collaboration Between Lush x Saltburn

Can we talk about how everyone was totally scarred after watching Saltburn earlier this year? But guess what? Lush saw the viral movie blowing up all over TikTok and got inspired. They created their own version of a bath bomb, and it's genius. Lush took the infamous (and some might say “traumatizing”) bathtub scene and turned it into a bath bomb scent. Saltburn wasn’t just a movie people chatted about for an hour; it became a full-blown sensation with everyone posting their reactions. Their ‘saltbomb,’ which promises “salty, milky bath water,” is already a hit.

Whether you loved the film, hated it, or just loved to hate it, you can't deny the brilliance behind this marketing move. Lush totally nailed it.

#4. The Barbie Movie Marketing Campaign 

Growing up, every little girl loved playing with their Barbies, dressing them up and creating endless adventures. Now, since the new Barbie movie has hit theaters, it’s like a wave of nostalgia for all of us. The AI powered Barbie Selfie Generator allowed for fans to create their own personalized character posters and share them on social media. This became a massive hit on platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram, where everyone’s sharing their Barbie transformations. Fans were able to interact with the brand in a fun and personalized way. It is a brilliant way of nostalgia, technology, and social media strategy that resonated with both long-time Barbie fans, such as myself, and a new generation of Barbie lovers. 

#5. The “In My Tabby” Coach Marketing Campaign 

The ‘In My Tabby' campaign by Coach is seriously genius. Reimagining the whole “What’s In My Bag” with adding a twist on emotions and memories is pure brilliance. Having stars like Lil Nas X, Camila Mendes, Kōki, and Wu JinYan to share their personal journeys is why it went viral all over social media. The campaign puts such an emphasis on self-expression and freedom which everyone can relate to in some way. The viral social media campaign felt extremely authentic and heartfelt, making you think personally about what you carry with you beyond just physical stuff.

And let's talk about the visuals! The way they capture each celebrity's story is just mesmerizing. It's like Coach is saying, "Hey, your journey matters, and it's okay to be you." It's such a refreshing message in a world that's always telling us to fit in. And the Tabby bag? It's like the perfect symbol of carrying your unique story with you. This campaign is not just a marketing win; it's a movement!

Your Brand Is Viral-Worthy Too ♡

These five viral social media campaigns show the magic of creativity and storytelling in e-commerce branding. At Scott Social, we're inspired by these innovative approaches that forge genuine connections and drive impactful engagement. Whether it's through celeb endorsements, cutting-edge tech, or cultural tie-ins, these campaigns prove that capturing hearts and minds on social media is the key to standing out. Ready to make your brand shine? Let's chat at Scott Social and create your next viral moment together!

See this gallery in the original post


Julia Cramer
Social Media Intern