Scott Social

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6 Social Media Mistakes Everyone Is Making – Even You

Class is in session. ♡

I get it—and I understand.

Social media changes literally everyday and you’re frustrated.

The good news is that you might be just a few strategy changes away from seeing the results you’re hoping for. While I love consulting and full service social media management, today, I’m here to share some thoughts with you pro bono. Because it’s time to kiss those social media mistakes goodbye.

We charge $1750+ per month to elevate + streamline the social media presence of brands.

Here is my most common advice so you don't have to hire us. ↓

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6 Social Media Mistakes Everyone Is Making. Yes, Including You. ↓

1. You have the wrong goal–or the wrong strategy. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Organic social media alone won’t deliver monthly conversions unless you have a highly engaged audience.

Consider using paid ads and influencers to build the top of your funnel and organic social media to nurture your middle funnel. Combine those efforts across each of your channels to guide leads from awareness to conversion.

2. You're cutting corners. ✂️

Quality over quantity is key. Strategically select platforms and create high-quality content tailored to each. Don’t hire the cheapest freelancers who won't bring you a positive ROI – this is one of the biggest social media mistakes out there. Invest in skilled professionals who have a proven track record, understand your brand, can engage your audience effectively, and are in it for the long run.

3. Your strategy is outdated. 👋🏻

Modern strategies blend great visuals with solid metrics. Create visually appealing and engaging content that drives the results you want to see. Stay updated with trends and use analytics to refine your approach continuously.

Consistency is key, but consistently using a strategy that isn't refined for your goals, target audience, and the modern market will get you nowhere.

4. You aren't incorporating social media into your funnel. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Social media isn't an island.

Your social media presence needs to speak to the rest of your marketing.

Avoid this social media mistake by aligning social content with your email campaigns, website, and promotions. Use clear calls to action in captions and graphics to guide your audience through your marketing funnel stages. This contributes to cohesiveness in your branding, messaging, and overall connection with your audience.

5. You’re in the way. ✋🏻

If you outsource social, get out of your team's way. The more you micromanage, the worse your results will be. Your job is to:

  • Communicate company goals + values clearly

  • Reinforce brand consistency

  • Provide resources for your social team to do their best work.

Then step out of the way. We've seen CEOs of $100M+ companies micromanage their brands' social media posts–it immediately tanks results, motivation, and creativity.

Trust your team—they know what they’re doing.

6. Your branding is lacking. 👎🏻

Your marketing can only be as strong as your brand.

And if your brand is outdated, low quality, or lackluster, your social channels will fall flat. This social media mistake might be the hardest to correct (and expensive), but trust me, the impact is worth it.

Invest in your brand first. Ensure it’s high-quality, compelling, and represents your values. A strong brand foundation makes all your marketing efforts more effective, leading to better conversions.

Feeling any better?

Alright, it's time to take these tips and turn your strategy up to eleven. Remember, the key to a killer social media presence is having the right goal, strategy, and execution. Whether you're collaborating with influencers, focusing on quality content, or trusting your team to do their best work, each piece plays a part in creating a symphony of success. Now go forth, and let your social media shine!

Get scroll-stopping results

Ready to take your social media strategy from so-so to stellar? Let's make some magic happen together! Drop us a message at Scott Social, and let's chat about how we can help you hit all the right notes with your audience. Don't just follow the trends—set them. 🌟

more social media tips:

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