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How To Find the Best Social Media Advertising Agency Near Me

With great power comes great responsibility – and social media is no exception!

Social media has harnessed its power and has quickly become a powerful tool for brands to create a solid online presence, engage with their audience, and drive growth. Anyone can be on social media, but reaping the benefits of social media advertising can require expert assistance. 

Let’s break down why your brand must hop on social media advertising and answer your most burning question, “how do I find the best social media advertising agency near me?”.

Why You Need Social

According to Forbes, the social media advertising market is set to soar with an impressive 4.53% annual growth rate projected to take the market to $247.30 billion by 2027. 

Jorge Bassante, owner of Horizon Air Solutions, a leading residential HVAC company located in Houston, Texas, told Forbes about digital marketing, “... Over the next year, we gained an additional $1 million in revenue, and the best part was that we didn't have to spend a fortune on advertising.”

That being said, there is no better time to take advantage of the affordable marketing opportunities social media is affording the e-commerce industry.

Before we delve into the steps to find the right agency, let's briefly touch on why social media advertising is crucial for brands:


Social media platforms possess billions of users, so there’s quite a large audience to play to. Your ideal audience is out there, trust us.

Targeted Advertising

Advanced targeting options allow brands to reach their ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Brand Building

Creating a consistent social media presence will help you establish brand awareness and trust with your followers.


By being online, you’ll have a quick and effective outlet to enable direct and meaningful interactions with your customers. These, in turn, will help elevate your presence online.

Measurable Results

Social media marketing campaigns present you with digestible metrics to assess effectiveness.

First Steps

Define Your Goals and Expectations

Before seeking assistance for the best “social media advertising agency near me”, clarify your goals and expectations. What do you want to achieve through social media advertising? Be specific about your target audience, budget, and desired outcomes.

Research Agencies in Your Area

Start by researching social media marketing agencies in your local area. Look for agencies that have experience in your industry or niche. Reading online reviews and testimonials or asking for recommendations from other businesses can be helpful.

Meet with Potential Agencies

Brief meetings with agencies you think might be a good fit can spare you from doing unnecessary research on agencies that won’t work. Arrange meetings or consultations with the agencies you are interested in if this is something they offer. This allows you to gauge their expertise and assess whether they align with your brand's vision and goals in a real conversation.

which “Social Media Advertising Agency near me” is the Right Fit?

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#1. Expertise and Credentials

In your research for a “social media advertising agency near me”, keep an eye out for social proof. Check for evidence of expertise through client testimonials and case studies. A reputable agency should be able to demonstrate a track record of success in achieving results for clients.

#2. Customizable Plans

No two companies or brands are alike, and no two have the same wants or needs. If an agency can’t accommodate this in their plans or packages, that’s a red flag. Look for agencies that offer customizable plans tailored to your specific needs and budget. Avoid the one-size-fits-all solution.

#3. Agency Size

Consider whether the size of the agency matches the size and needs of your company. Smaller agencies may offer a more personalized approach, while larger agencies might have a wider range of resources.

#4. Measurement of Success

Ask the agency how they plan to measure the success of their campaigns with your brand or how they have done this in the past. Clear KPIs and metrics should be established to track the effectiveness of your social media advertising.

#5. Strategy Alignment

Ensure the agency's strategy aligns with your business objectives and target audience. Their approach should resonate with your brand identity and values and feel like it’s coming directly from your heart and mind.

#6. Company Culture

How you get along with your co-workers and collaborators can directly impact your happiness or the effectiveness of your work. Consider whether the agency's company culture aligns with yours. A harmonious working relationship is vital for a successful partnership.

#7. Communication Style

Because you will constantly contact one another, assess the agency's communication style and responsiveness. Open and transparent communication is crucial for a productive collaboration. This is a two-way street; keep that in mind!

Let Us Be Your Social Media Gurus

Live near the Phoenix, AZ area? We could be the perfect social media marketing agency near you. Don’t live near Phoenix but still want to work with us? We could STILL be the perfect fit!

As a boutique social media marketing agency in Phoenix, Arizona, we specialize in elevating and streamlining the social media process for small businesses, specifically in the e-commerce industry. 

Our team comprises marketing experts all over the U.S., so wherever you are, we can be there too- virtually or in person!

Contact us today to learn more about how we can elevate your social media advertising and help you build an aesthetic social media presence that gets the accolades you’ve always dreamed of while providing tangible results!