Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: What To Watch Out For


Let the 2024 prep begin! Staying on top of marketing trends for your brand or business is the number one way to become a leader in your industry. Social media trends shift, algorithms change, and consumer preferences evolve- but you can ensure you’ve got a leg up heading into the new year.

We’re guiding you through some of the top digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2024 so your brand can take the new year by storm.

Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: What to Watch Out For

Video Content Will Continue to Dominate

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: Video Content Will Continue to Dominate

Video content has become huge over the last several years, and there's no sign of slowing down in 2024! Short-form video content will remain a dominant force in the digital marketing space. 

If your brand isn’t taking advantage of TikTok and Instagram Reels for short-form content or YouTube and other platforms for long-form content…what are you waiting for? Video is the king of engagement, so by investing time and energy into creating compelling video content that resonates with your audience, you’ll be doing your brand an extreme service. 


UGC Content Will Focus on Micro and Non-Influencers

We love an influencer moment, but finding great influencers to work with no longer needs to depend on the size of their audience! User-generated content (UGC) will continue to play a crucial role in marketing strategies; however, the focus will shift towards micro and non-influencers. 

There’s been a lot of discussion around “de-influencing” in 2023, and what it takes for more significant influencers to pump out the content they do to get their audience buying. With the shift toward more authentic, personalized content (which we’ll get to later), it’s no shock that brands will start turning to smaller creators to promote their products.

Micro and nano influencers open up a whole new world for brands, potentially even more so than the influencers with millions of followers. The audiences of these influencers tend to be more niched-down and dependent on genuine promotion to get them to invest in a product or service. Their relationships may be better established than more prominent brands as well.


A study from Linqia showed that 90% of marketers want to work with micro-influencers because they have better engagement than larger influencers. So, brands: this top marketing trend for 2024 will be huge for your business!


LinkedIn Will Become More Than a Place for "Bros in Suits"

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: LinkedIn Will Become More

Say goodbye to LinkedIn as you knew it! LinkedIn has long been associated with professionals in business attire sharing industry news and updates, as well as job postings. But in 2024, we'll see a shift towards a more diverse and inclusive platform. 

In 2023, LinkedIn shared that they would be shifting the platform’s focus to make relevant, expert content its top priority, as well as emphasizing the importance of engagement. Virality is not a factor in the algorithm, so the best way to leverage the platform is to create knowledge-rich content that resonates with a broad audience. 

This trend will carry into 2024, so keep creating content with value and genuinely engaging!

SEO Will Become More Powerful Than Hashtags

Raise a hand if you’re tired of hearing about the age-old hashtag and keyword debate 🙋🏻‍♀️. Well, no need to worry- the debate may wrap up in 2024, with SEO keywords taking the cake.

While hashtags have played a significant role in content discovery on social media, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will become even more critical. With the increase in “social search” in 2023, understanding and optimizing for SEO will be vital for brands to stand out and be found by their target audience.


Research from Hootsuite showed that the social media posts that relied heavily on great SEO managed to have a higher engagement rate (30% increase). No one will judge you if you’re still utilizing hashtags in 2024, as they are still an essential part of any content strategy. But focusing on SEO may get you farther going forward!


Brands Will Lead with Authentic and Ephemeral Content

In 2024, authenticity will be a crucial driver of success in digital marketing. Consumers are more discerning than ever, and they gravitate towards brands that are genuine and transparent. 

Brands prioritizing authenticity in their messaging and content will build trust and loyalty with their audience. Moreover, brands infusing their strategy with authentic and ephemeral content will dominate.

Studies show that after viewing Stories on Instagram, 62% of users become more interested in a brand or a product. So, if you can marry the two concepts, you’ll be golden!

Integrated Social Media Shopping Experiences Will Be on the Rise

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: Integrated Social Media Shopping Experiences Will Be On The Rise

If you’re easily influenced by those Instagram ads…so sorry about this one 😜 E-commerce and social media will become more integrated than ever in 2024. 

Social media platforms will continue to enhance their shopping features, making it easier for consumers to purchase products directly through the platforms. With the introduction and inflation of TikTok Shop and other shoppable features easily integrated into other social media platforms, social selling has done fantastic things for e-comm brands in 2023.

Brands that embrace and optimize these integrated shopping experiences will thrive in the digital marketplace in 2024.

Expect Hyper-Personalized Content

AI has done this to us, and consumers will increasingly expect personalized experiences in 2024. 

I mean, think about it… we all love a personalized list of music on Spotify, shows to watch on Netflix, or other pajama sets to shop for on Amazon. Your followers on social media will expect the same sort of hyper-personalization from your brand.

Brands will use data-driven insights to deliver content and products tailored to individual preferences. This level of personalization will not only improve customer satisfaction but also increase conversion rates.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024: Expect Hyper Personalized Content

Get Social in 2024

The ball may drop in NYC on New Year’s Eve, but don’t drop the ball on social media! Embracing these trends will keep your brand relevant and engaging in 2024. If you’re looking for assistance navigating the ever-changing digital marketing landscape as we head into the new year, the Scott Social team is ready to work magic!

We specialize in elevating and streamlining the social media process for small businesses and can help you prepare your brand for 2024 with confidence. Contact us today to get started creating a strategy that is stunning and performs tenfold! 


Angela, Social Media Strategist at Scott Social


Copywriter + Social Media Strategist


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