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9 Social Media Strategies for Hotels To Engage With Guests

In a world that shares, let your guests turn stays into stories. ♡

No doubt about it – solid social media strategies for hotels are the key to success in our social-obsessed world.

And hey, I know that most of you agree. GuestCentric discovered that half of hoteliers ranked social media as the second most important sales and marketing priority over the next twelve months.

Because in a world of endless choices, social media lets you be your guests’ digital concierge.

Social Media for Hotels… Is it Worth It?

The people have spoken–and as it turns out, they love social.

If you’re still feeling unconvinced, I’m bringing out the big guns–aka, industry insights.

55% of users have followed a hotel on social media to discover more information, meaning that social media may play a crucial role in the brand discovery process. (Source: Avensys)

In this same study, it was also discovered that 76% of people post their vacation photos to Facebook and other social media. Meanwhile, of social media users, 52% said that their friends’ photos inspired travel plans.

Yup, you heard that correctly–your guests are not only posting about their trip, they’re using social media to inspire their travel plans in the first place.

I’m officially sold. And our client, Americana Motor Hotel, has seen results that seal the deal.

Real Social Media Results For An Arizona-Based Hotel Launch

Our client, Americana Motor Hotel, embraced social media to share stories, unveil experiences, and connect with guests. This unique mid-century space-themed motor hotel was anxiously awaiting their big launch–with zero followers, little content, and a lot of dreams.

And boy oh boy, did we deliver on the dreams.

What started with a mood board on Pinterest quickly set into motion a full social media strategy, complete with graphic design, custom Reels, and an in-depth influencer program leading up to launch weekend.

Here is the visual footprint:

These tactics below have been tried and tested successfully at Americana Motor Hotel. And now, I’m going to let you in on the secret on how we did it!

Discover Our Top 9 Social Media Strategies For Hotels to Engage With Guests

Whether you're launching a new property or looking to revamp your social media game, these social media strategies for hotels will help you connect with your audience on a personal level and boost your brand's visibility.

#1: Host Giveaways that Spark Excitement

Who doesn't love freebies? Hosting regular giveaways on your social media platforms can be a fantastic way to engage your audience. At Americana Motor Hotel, we routinely offer a free night (or weekend) stay in exchange for likes, shares, and follows. Our best performing giveaways are collaborative posts with other influencers! 

This not only increased our online presence but also generated excitement and interest for the motor hotel. Check out some organic giveaway stats below from our recent collaborative giveaway:

And here are some screenshots of Americana Motor Hotel’s other giveaways:

One thing to remember is that you should be adding parameters to your giveaway. I love to set specifics on when the prize can and cannot be redeemed, the applicable room type(s), number of guests, the validity of dates including holidays, and other hotel-specific add ons. You don’t want a follower trying to book their free stay 3 years from now or justifying their complimentary room service!

PSSSST – Scammers love giveaways. So much so, that a scammer may imitate your account, contact your followers that they won, and try to con them out of their credit card info. Insert this line in your giveaway to help your followers stay aware:

** We will never DM you asking for money or credit card information. Once the giveaway has concluded, the winner will be selected, announced on our story, and notified via direct message from <insert Instagram handle>.

#2: Repost User Generated Content (UGC)

Hellooooo authenticity and social proof! UGC provides authentic and unbiased content created by real guests. It gives your followers a genuine glimpse into the guest experience, which holds (a lot) more weight than traditional marketing messages.

Americana Motor Hotel's vintage space-themed decor was practically made for Instagram-worthy shots that guests loved sharing, effectively promoting their brand. What shareable details and moments can you create for your guests?

PSSSST – Even if your followers tag your brand, they haven’t given you permission to reshare the content. DM your guest to get their written permission before hitting that “reshare” button.

#3: Monitor Current Social Media Trends

Stay on top of current trends in the hospitality industry–and outside the industry too! Leveraging current trends increases your posts' visibility, engages your followers, and keeps content fresh and engaging.

For our client, Americana Motor Hotel, we actively participate in trending conversations, recreate viral videos, and post on-trend memes – all of which were the top performers for the month. Our favorite? Definitely the Wes Anderson film recreation:

PSSSST – Of all the social media strategies for hotels, monitoring trends can easily be the most daunting. We recommended bookmarking Later’s Trending Reels page, updated weekly to keep you in the loop. You can thank us later!

#4: Respond Quickly to Inquiries

Promptly respond to guest inquiries and comments on your social media platforms. Okay but, how do you respond to an inquiry at 11pm on a Saturday? Simple – set up automated messages to reassure that your guests' question has been received and that your team will get back with them at their earlier convenience.

Did you know?

79% of customers expect a business to respond to their DM within 24 hours.

Source: HubSpot

#5: Highlight Local Activities

You’re the expert in your area – show it off! Travelers love to daydream, plan, and build excitement for their trip. Let them in on the secret of local hidden gems, immersive activities, “can’t miss” restaurants, and the most underrated hiking trails.

Americana Motor Hotel's posts on Flagstaff's unique offerings, such as stargazing spots and historic sites, made them a valuable resource for travelers.

#6: Host and Promote Events

It’s official, you’re invited! Everyone loves feeling like they’re in on the secret and receiving an event invite feels no different – even if on social.

Whether it's a themed party, laid back live music, or an open invite to stargaze during the meteor shower, hosting events can attract both locals and travelers. Americana Motor Hotel's launch parties were a hit, drawing in a diverse crowd and generating excitement.

#7: Create an Influencer Program

Collaborate with influencers in the travel and hospitality niche – they’ll love the invite and their followers will love adding a new hotel to their bucket list! Invite them to discover your unique space and share their experiences with their followers.

Americana Motor Hotel's influencer partnerships brought in fresh perspectives and expanded our reach significantly. Here are some of our favorite posts from influencers:

PSSSST – Book and pay for an activity or two for your influencers to give them a full experience, especially if they’re from out of town. Remember, you aren’t just promoting your hotel–you’re also promoting your area as a destination worth visiting!

#8: Go “Behind the Scenes”

Give your audience a glimpse behind the scenes–they love it!

Share stories about your staff, maintenance, and the daily operations that make your hotel special. Americana Motor Hotel's “behind the scenes” series before opening humanized our brand and made our guests feel like part of the family. This could include before and afters of room renovations, highlights of your team, or even upcoming perks!

#9: Plan Seasonally

Incorporating seasonality into your social media strategy is a pivotal aspect of social media strategy for a hotel. While this includes tailoring content to various holidays and seasons, in hospitality, seasonality has a whole new meaning.

Adapt your content strategy to cater to peak, mid-season, and low seasons. Your content should seamlessly align with your specific objectives for each season. 

PSSSST – During periods of decreased revenue, harness the insights from previous seasons to see what worked well. Consider utilizing giveaways, exciting events, influencer marketing, or paid social media advertisements to address these challenges effectively.

It’s Your Time To Shine Bestie

Hey daydreamers, now it’s your time to shine. Your hotel can offer more than just a stay—you can offer a long-term connection.

Hospitality and solid social media strategies for hotels are quite the dynamic duo. You can’t have one without the other! And the nine social media strategies above have proven to be highly effective in engaging guests and increasing visibility for hotels like Americana Motor Hotel. We know they will do the same for you!

Remember that consistency is key, and tailoring these strategies to fit your hotel's unique brand and personality is essential. With dedication and creativity, you can turn your social media platforms into vibrant spaces where guests feel connected and excited about their stay.

Need A Little Help?

Looking to take your hotel's social media game to the next level? Consider it done.

Scott Social is a boutique social media marketing agency based in Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in elevating and streamlining the social media process for the hospitality industry, from creating beautiful hospitality-centered content to heartfelt community management and everything in between. 

Reach out to us today, and let's transform your hotel's social media presence together. Your journey to social media success starts here! #HospitalityElevated


Chelsea Evans-Flower
Founder + Social Media Strategist